
TearFloTM Sterile Tear Flow Test Strips (Schirmer’s Test)
TearFlo™ is being used to evaluate tear secretion - Schirmer’s test. More than 13 mm wetting of standardized strips folded at a given notch over a 5-minute period of examination with eyes closed is considered to be normal tear secretion. Wetting values less than 9 mm are considered as hyposecretion. Schirmer’s test is the oldest method available for Dry Eye Disease diagnosis.
Method of a performance:
- Test is performed in a room with a dimmed light, without a draught, and without pressure sources in the field of vision.
- Patient is advised to look straight ahead or slightly upward and not to force himself/herself to blink the eyes.
- Tear fluid should be removed from the lower fornix using a gauze swab before paper strips are placed.
- Strip should be bent at the notch on the marked end using forceps and inserted in the lower part of the conjunctival sac at 1/3 of length of the lid margin on the outer side.
- Strip is removed from the conjunctival sac after 5 minutes, and the amount of wetting of the filter paper section is measured in millimetres from the place of bending.
Results interpretation:
- =>15 mm – normal;
- >10 to 15 mm - initial stage of the tear deficit;
- >5 to 10 mm - advanced tear deficit;
- 5 mm – severe tear deficit.
Available packages:
100 pcs. sterile, individually wrapped strips.